
Day 7: Places I long to visit

So I know I'm falling a little bit behind on this 30DayBlogChallenge, but I blame St Patrick's Day. Either which way, I'll do Day 7 and 8 now, so hold on to your hats - here we go :)

Places I long to visit is a pretty easy one for me to write about, or at least show you pictures from. Seeing as I want to visit pretty much every country in the world, there's no shortage of ideas. But some places have been stuck in my head for many years, and here are some of them:



These are just three of the places I would love to see, but they are the ones that I always come back to when I'm thinking about where to go next.. Just thinking about all the traveling I want to do is more than I can handle right now... The snow has come back to Stockholm, and there's nothing I'd rather be doing than travelling..

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