
Day 14: Goals

This one is quite easy to write about, but what kind of goals should I write about? The short-term ones or the ones I have in the long haul? I guess I could do both, just for the hell of it.

Short-term (next 3 years)

Do well in school this semester, while juggling work and having a busy social life in Stockholm.

Get everything together and move to Australia for a year.

Make sure my brain stays healthy.

Possibly do an internship abroad for the fall of 2012

Get back to Sweden and do my bachelor papers (C-uppsats) spring 2013

Work and save money for 9 months, so I can go to Brazil in Feb 2014 and live there for 6 months, experiencing Carneval as well as the World Cup in Soccer - which will be hosted in Rio that year! But maybe most importantly, it will give me the chance to finally visit Mary’s home and meet all her friends and family! Hopefully I’ll be able to travel around South America during these 6 months as well.


Find a rewarding job, working with event planning. I would like to work with global, or at least, international events all over the world.

I want to see the wonders of the world, not just the famous 7. There’s so much to see, and I don’t want to miss a thing. Another goal concerning travelling is to keep the v Z tradition alive and travel as much as I can with my kids and family. Growing up with two generation of v Z-women always taking me on trips have been a big influence on how I see the world today, besides forming my personality for the better.

Oh god, there's so much I want to do long-term!! These two goals (above) don't cover all bases, but right now I'm too tired to write about all the things I want to do in my life. So be nice.

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