
Back to school, again!

Hi guys,

Feels a bit strange to go back to uni tomorrow after 3,5 months of summer vacation. Strange but fun at the same time. Can't wait to meet my new classmates and start learning more things in my field again. Getting my nerd on. Only thing is the Oscars is tmrw and I will miss it for the first time in god knows how many years :( "I-landsproblem" I know.  Jen & Jess, please enjoy it a little extra for me - ok?! ;)

February has been filled with many exciting things. Everything from sailor parties to Valentines celebration to silent discos to hosting the Red bull conference to jumping in the rock pools at Springbrook national park to saying goodbye to the last bartender (that was working when I started @ Stingers) to having cocktail training sesh with the Leblon Cachaça people to finding my new fav breakfast place and getting to know numerous amazing people - besides working my ass off! I figured out I've only had about 15 days off this year so far. Haha. Workaholic, yep that's me!

We're finally moving on Thursday. Not very far, but I should really start packing anyway :P Mom, you know how slow I am with these things. Haha.Will be same address as before, just another unit number (234). Glad we're staying in Trilogy. It's a great place to live :)  Jamie will be back from Thailand on Thursday as well so at least I don't have to do all the moving myself. Anyone else who'd like to offer a helping hand are more than welcome ;) We could make a game/party out of it! Haha.

Some new exciting projects are also in the making. Will tell you more about them if and when they actually take off.

Sorry for being such a slowpoke when it comes to updating you of my life here in Australia. I haven't had much time to spend in front of the computer in the last few months. Still haven't even put up all the pictures from Mom's visit - and for a little photo-nerd like me that's pretty serious. Haha. Will try to better myself. Try being the operative word.

Love you guys! xoxox


New semester

I'm not sure how interested you guys are about my uni life in terms of what I'm actually learning about - but I am ;) this is some of the things I will be learning about in the next few months:

1204HSL Introduction to Event Management
Events have long played an important role in human society. Whether they be personal celebrations, festivals, carnivals, or fairs, societies the world over have enjoyed organizing and attending events. Moreover, the event industry has been the business growing success story of the past decade. All events are dynamics and challenging management environments that require expertise in several business disciplines, together with an understanding of the social and cultural impacts on stakeholders. This course will introduce the student to the emerging field of event management.

1003MKT Introduction to Marketing
Marketing is everywhere, everyday and is the process that facilitates the exchange of products and services for the benefit of individuals, groups, organizations and society as a whole. Central to this course is the consumer's perspective, and while you are a student you are also an active consumer in the marketing process, so you will appreciate the approach we take in presenting this course.
There are two key components to marketing. Firstly it can be thought of as a philosophy, an attitude, a perspective or a management orientation focusing on customer satisfaction. Secondly, it is an organizational function and a set or processes for creating, communicating and delivering value for customer and managing long term customer relationships so as to benefit the organization and it's stakeholders in dynamic environments. The study of marketing provides fascinating insight into how organizations create, distribute, promote and price their goods and services to facilities satisfying exchange relationships.

1001HSL Foundation studies
This course will examine the inter-relationships between tourism, hospitality, event and sport under the overarching concept of leisure. It will investigate participation trends, policy frameworks, employment opportunities and management issues within these sectors.

1220HSL Information Systems for Services Industries
This course focuses on the information systems that support the tourism, leisure, hotel and sport industries. It provides the student with a theoretical knowledge of the ways in which information technology is transforming these industries and the likely impacts of technology growth in the future. Students will develop an understanding of how different information system technologies can be applied to achieve specific business goals.

Endings and new beginnings

I've been such a good girl today. Honestly, I feel on top of the game - which is much more than I can say about the other international students who gathered today, when orientation week for the internationals kicked off. So many confused faces! Haha. Although it will be tough to go back into study mode after over 3 months of summer vacation I'm confident I will have a great time back at uni this semester! I'm so ready to get new knowledge peppered into my brain. And with only 2 days/week at uni I think I'll be sweet :) I still have 2 more weeks of freedom though. Two wonderful weeks that I plan to take full advantage off. Especially since the past weeks have been filled with drama. For better and for worse. Can't really go into details, but know that I'm well and safe. As for the others... Haha just kidding. It's been a lot of drama going on though and I wish it would stop. I also wish more people knew how to behave. Always baffles me how some think certain types of behaviors are ok.

Annnnnnyway. Enough said about that. I don't want to get all worked up. Totally unnecessary. Tomorrow is Valentines day and it will be a wonderful day! 
Love you all so much!! Don't know what I'd do with out you!