
Day 4: My parents

Ok NOW it’s time to talk about my biological family – my parents to be exact. Day 4 here we go!

I would lie if I told you I’ve always expressed my deep love and regard for my parents in a good way. I’m sure I was pretty difficult and self-centered as a teen (I probably still am to some extent). Luckily, my parents have been able to pull through all my crap and still be with me to this day. I’m glad they did.

My dad is probably one of people with THE most social skills I’ve ever known. He starts talking to EVERYONE, and always has (from what I’ve learned), and can make them laugh in just a few seconds. When I was a teenager I wasn’t as impressed with this asset as I am now. But as I said, I was a teenager. Most of my friends thought their parents were embarrassing at some point or another. At this point in my life I see it as a great asset and strive to better myself into becoming just that; someone who can make random people happy in just a few seconds.

Growing up I was a real daddy’s girl, but things change, and now I’m very much a Mama’s girl instead.

My mom is my rock. She’s so ambitious, generous and well – she’s my mommy. I could probably describe her in a thousand different ways and it still wouldn’t be sufficient. She always pushes me to be a better version of myself. Not in the crazy: I-want-you-to-be-someone-else-kind of way, but the: I-want-you-to-reach-your-goals-and-succeed-way. She has taken a lot of crap from me and my brother because of it, but I am thankful for all the hard work she was put into making me who I am today. It’s also thanks to her I’ve been able to travel the world as much as I have.

I want to say more, about both of them, but I feel as though it would be too personal and bring up too many memories. I hope you respect that this is as far as I will go as of right now.

Just one last thing though: Whatever I have felt, or will feel over the next 50 years, doesn’t really matter when it comes down to it. They are my parents - for better or for worse. I will love them till the day I die!

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