
Você fala português?

Even though there are still a few more weeks until uni takes off again, I can't help but to feel the pressure slowly but surely begin to fester in my body. It could be the fact that all my friends studying at other universities around the world have already started their spring semester and keep posting things about it on facebook. Or the fact that if I had gone home to Sweden now I would have been graduating this semester with my fellow Tourists.. You take your pick. I shouldn't even have to worry too much though, since I'm taking first year subjects this semester. I should be more than ok with the work load, even if I'm taking 6 classes this semester :P I did tell you I'm taking a class in Portuguese on the side right?! So much for taking it easy. Haha. Wed nights/Thur mornings will be spent online talking over video chat with my fellow Portuguese classmates. Sweet. At least I'm learning a new language. Not too shabby. I must say I feel pretty ambitious when I think about it! :)

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