
Ylva ideas for 2011:

I want to have even more fun and hope exciting things happen more frequently than the past year. I want to travel further and above all - more often. I want to meet new people, but not get lost and forget the friends I hold dear to my heart. I want to learn another language (I'm thinking French, Italian or Portugese), and do some serious brushing up on my Spanish. I want to become healthier and stronger as a person, and stop obsessing over the little things that annoys the shit out of me. I will try to become less of a Facebook addict, though you have to be patient with me (it'll take some time). I'll also try to stop caring about people that obviously do not care enough about me. They're simply not worth the frustration. To sum it all up: I want happiness and all the little butterflies in my head to try their best to focus. Too much to ask for? I think not.

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