
Back to school, again!

Hi guys,

Feels a bit strange to go back to uni tomorrow after 3,5 months of summer vacation. Strange but fun at the same time. Can't wait to meet my new classmates and start learning more things in my field again. Getting my nerd on. Only thing is the Oscars is tmrw and I will miss it for the first time in god knows how many years :( "I-landsproblem" I know.  Jen & Jess, please enjoy it a little extra for me - ok?! ;)

February has been filled with many exciting things. Everything from sailor parties to Valentines celebration to silent discos to hosting the Red bull conference to jumping in the rock pools at Springbrook national park to saying goodbye to the last bartender (that was working when I started @ Stingers) to having cocktail training sesh with the Leblon Cachaça people to finding my new fav breakfast place and getting to know numerous amazing people - besides working my ass off! I figured out I've only had about 15 days off this year so far. Haha. Workaholic, yep that's me!

We're finally moving on Thursday. Not very far, but I should really start packing anyway :P Mom, you know how slow I am with these things. Haha.Will be same address as before, just another unit number (234). Glad we're staying in Trilogy. It's a great place to live :)  Jamie will be back from Thailand on Thursday as well so at least I don't have to do all the moving myself. Anyone else who'd like to offer a helping hand are more than welcome ;) We could make a game/party out of it! Haha.

Some new exciting projects are also in the making. Will tell you more about them if and when they actually take off.

Sorry for being such a slowpoke when it comes to updating you of my life here in Australia. I haven't had much time to spend in front of the computer in the last few months. Still haven't even put up all the pictures from Mom's visit - and for a little photo-nerd like me that's pretty serious. Haha. Will try to better myself. Try being the operative word.

Love you guys! xoxox

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