
Day 15: Qoutes that stuck with you

(it's supposed to be favorite Bible Verse, but you all know I don't read that thing)

I'm going to talk about the quotes I have posted on my fb profile:

Utan spaning, ingen aning. (Svenska flygvapnet)

Sarcasm is not a lifestyle - it's a way of life! (Steven)

"Labels are filing. Labels are for clothing.Labels are not for people" Martina Navratilova

"Never regret something that once made you smile"

The first one is pretty self-explanatory when you know me. I can be such a little stalker - not in the creepy way - OK well mostly not. But I believe unless you find things out for yourself you're left clueless. And I, for one, does not like that feeling of being the last to know. It's also the slogan for the Swedish Air force.

The second one was said in a conversation one of the first weeks of my time in the US. Steven, a friend to the family I was working for, is a really funny guy and well - he's a sarcastic sob. He and Ad made me realize more than before how easy-going you can be even when you're no longer 21.

The third one I love because I don't like the labeling that we all take part of on a regular basis. I work hard not to succumb to labelling myself, and I hope other are too.

4th one - kind of my motto in life. No regrets. You'll learn and evolve from all your experiences. Don't you think? :)

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